Are you in search of an online marketplace through which you can purchase household items within your budget? If yes then you’re welcomed in this review blog.
Online retailers offer huge discounts on their merchandise during the holiday season to entice buyers. Today, we will review an online retailer that offers various kitchens, households and outdoor items, among others.
But, the retailer is receiving numerous questions from United States shoppers about its authenticity. Therefore, let’s begin these Codity reviews without delay.
What is Codity?
After a thorough analysis we came to the conclusion that the website sells various types of goods like household tools, water sports ornamental items and electronic appliances, games, bikes, beauty, and so on.
Furthermore, the site has a sale for its items that are featured, where customers can receive up to 80 percent off. Additionally the site claims to provide modern-style furniture and other items.
In spite of the discounts We find the website not well-designed and we are not convinced by the prices offered. We suggest that United States and customers from all over the world go through the following section Are Codity’s Terms Legal or not? your questions.
What are the Particulars or Characteristics of Codity?
- Authorized link
- Domain creation date-01/08/2021
- Support service email- [email protected]
- Contact number: +1 647 365 2823
- The address of the company is not listed. Street view images are shown.
- Exchange and return within 14 days
- Refund policy: within a specified number of days
- Payment method: VISA, PayPal, Stripe and MasterCard
- Social media links- available
- Newsletter- available
- Cost-free shipping estimates for orders of more than $39
- Delivery time: 3-4 weeks delivery time
If you’re attracted by the discounts and would like to place an order on the site You must go through these Codity Review.
What would be the good benefits of purchasing from this site?
- The site has HTTPS secured.
- The site is offering 70% off the entire collection of featured items.
- Shoppers will find a wide selection of goods all under one roof.
- Delivery is free for orders of more than $39.
What’s the unjust advantages of buying on this site?
- The site has received low reviews and ratings.
- The website is not able to provide all contact details for the business.
- The discounts and prices are not realistic.
Is Codity Legit?
It’s clear that Codity is not secure enough. Codity store doesn’t seem secure enough to be a good place to shop. But, do not worry we’ll clear any doubts you have in this section and give you with honest answer to your questions.
Let’s go through these checkspoints to determine the true motives of the website.
- Domain creation date of the website. In fact, the domain name is barely months old. Its creation date is 01/08/2021.
- Domain expiration date for the website- the expiration of the domain name on the website date is 01/08/2022.
- Trust rank- the Codity store has earned an extremely low trust rank which is 27.9/100.
- Alexa rank – In the analysis of the website’s Alexa rank is 2158560.
- Trust score – The site has been awarded an average trust score of 1. Therefore, it’s not up to the expectation.
- Comments from shoppersAs of today there are no ratings or shoppers’ Codity Reviews published on the website.
- Social media connections: the linked social media sites do not work. This means that the site does not appear on the top social media sites.
- Address Originality- Under the contact us page of the website We have located an email address, a contact number, but the business address is not there. The top of the home page, a street view photo is shown.
- Quality of the contentResearch findings reveal that it is found that the content published is duplicate content.
- Offers that are not real many discounts on the online portal.
What are the consumers’ Codity Reviews?
At present, the official website does not include any shopper’s feedback about it. In our investigation we’ve discovered certain comments on the trusted review website called Trustpilot. Additionally, the site has been awarded 2.8 stars of rating as well as negative feedback. The majority of users complain about the service it provides to customers. However there are some who claim that the site is a fraud. Don’t use it.
The Bottom Line
Based on our analysis and research within these Codity Review The websites that sell multiple products are not trustworthy.
Thus, the website is completely red flagged. If you’re still wanting to order something take a look at the entire process.