So, the time has come. You said “I need to write my dissertation”, and you don’t know is what was written a real academic paper. How to know it is? Use a checklist.

This checklist covers all aspects of submitting your dissertation. This checklist is most useful if you have completed the draft of your dissertation and are ready to submit it. These recommendations address key aspects of dissertation projects. You should revise your dissertation requirements as some universities have specific submission procedures, referencing styles and document formatting requirements.


  1. All sections must be included. These include Abstract, Acknowledgements Table Of Contents and Lists of Tables & Figures.
  2. The Abstract is usually the first section of a dissertation. It is usually placed before the table, but it is always written last. An abstract provides a brief overview of the entire dissertation and outlines the main findings.
  3. You can also write the Acknowledgements after you have finished the main text of your thesis. This allows you to thank those who assisted you with research or supervision.
  4. Common courtesy when writing Acknowledgements is to express your gratitude to your tutor, members of the committee and anyone else who helped you write your work.
  5. To make it easier to read, you can include a list of Acronyms or Definitions in addition to your main body.
  6. The Introduction chapter outlines the topic’s relevance, the background and explains the objectives and goals. It also shows the structure of your study. To make the dissertation more appealing to readers, you may revise it after it is complete.
  7. The conclusion summarizes the work and shows whether the objectives and aim were achieved. Be sure to discuss them with reference both to previous studies and your own results.
  8. The thesis’ main chapters provide details about the study and the methods used. The narrative should be consistent and logical, and with no mistakes.
  9. Your Literature Review should clearly define the key theories that you rely upon and outline the conceptual framework for your study. To better align your dissertation’s overall course, you may revise the contents.
  10. A table listing key theories and authors may help improve readability. This makes it easier to refer to them when you write your Discussion chapter.
  11. The Methodology Section must contain a table of variables to conduct a quantitative study, and a description of all methods and instruments used.
  12. Discuss all potential threats to reliability and validity.
  13. It is important to clearly define your analysis process. It is important that any other researcher working in your field can follow your process and get similar results.
  14. All key figures and tables that present your results must be included in the Analysis chapter.
  15. The discussion should include all of the critical sources and theories that you have reviewed in your Literature Review.
  16. Your objectives must be reviewed and your recommendations should clearly show how you have addressed them.
  17. The format of the thesis text should conform to university requirements. Make sure each page is numbered, as well each table and figure.
  18. Verify that the Reference List contains all the sources mentioned in the text. Also, ensure that the style throughout the work is consistent.
  19. Tables and figures should be given headings and referred to in main text. If the figures and tables were taken from another source, they should have headings.
  20. Your Appendices should contain all pertinent elements, such as informed consent forms, additional figures and interview transcripts.
  21. In one sitting, read your entire dissertation. The text should be clear and follow a consistent flow between sentences, paragraphs and sections.
  22. Signposting can be used to help make your dissertation easier for non-specialists.
  23. You must outline the major contributions of academics and practitioners to your 1 st dissertation.
  24. Discuss the key limitations of your project.
  25. If it is required by your university, check the word count of all sections.
  26. To confirm compliance with ethical standards at your institution, ensure that all parties have signed the informed consent forms.
  27. Before submitting your dissertation, open it on multiple computers. This will help you identify bugs and compatibility issues.
  28. Send the document as a PDF if possible. This will ensure that the document is compatible with all computer systems.
  29. Verify that all figures within your document are embedded in JPG or NGA files. Cross-referenced elements should not be used in submitted work.
  30. All text, format spacing and fonts must be proofread. To avoid the “bleary eyes” effect, both printed and electronic copies should be used.
  31. Make sure you review the formatting of your title page.
  32. Examine your implications for practice, and ensure that you have provided enough examples to show how your dissertation findings might be useful to industry professionals.
  33. Describe your future research goals and suggest ways that your colleagues can help you expand your analysis, address your limitations, and fill in the knowledge gaps.
  34. Make sure you have all the required declarations, such as the one confirming that this is your first dissertation paper and any other documents required by the university.
  35. To allow time for page replacements and similar changes, please give your dissertation at least three working days before binding.

Did you mark all points? Or something is missing? Don’t hesitate to ask the dissertation writing service to help if you are struggling.