Did you know that a former Mississippi governor is accused of funding a welfare scam with $1.1million? According to court documents obtained by press, Phil Bryant, the former governor of Mississippi is accused of concocting $1.1 Million.

Nancy New, defendant in the court filing, claimed Bryant advised her to use the welfare money to pay Favre, former quarterback and Hall of Famer for keynote speaking, promotional events, business partner development, and other activities. You can find more information about the Brett Favre Welfare Scam for people living in the United States.

What is all the Scam about?

The investigation officers found new text messages which confirm that former Mississippi governor Brett Favre was involved in directing $1 million from the welfare fund to him to pay for his pet project.

The text between Favre and the director revealed that the governor had planned to set up an NGO to pay Brett $1,000,000 in welfare funds. He wanted to use the money to finance a university volleyball court. Instead of helping underprivileged families from the United States the fund was used in order to create a pet program.

Is Brett Favre Welfare Scandal True?

The Mississippi community education centre attorney filed court documents on Monday that include the text messages between Favre (and Nancy New) and refer to the retired governor who was forced out of office in 2020.

The text messages also revealed that Favre had the fund transferred to him for his pet projects. Favre, along with others, has been warned by the state to sue for using welfare money. Nancy New, her son and Brett Favre Welfare fraud have pleaded guilty.

Favre and Bryant are also proven guilty through text messages. Bryant has released an official statement that denies the claims and says he isn’t involved with such scams.

What’s Brett’s Net Worth by 2022 in

Brett Favre is a legend and one of the greatest living heroes in professional football. As such, he would have made a significant sum of money over his entire football career.

Brett’s case proves it, as his career has brought him a lot of wealth. Brett Favre Net Wealth 2021 and $202 combined is $100,000,000. The figure is estimated, but Brett Favre refuses to disclose the exact amount. Brett Favre is trending because of the scandal in Court.


Many controversy has erupted from texts sent by former governor concerning Brett Favre. Brett is suspected to be involved in a serious legal dispute involving the former governor of Mississippi.

The text messages reveal that the ex-quarterback received money and guidance from welfare communities for a new volleyball courts so that the Department of Human Services would approve it. After the courtroom was documented with text messages, the Brett Favre Welfare Scam emerged in the spotlight.