We comprehend that the flood of data in regards to breast a medical procedures can be befuddling. It can cause picking the proper method to feel overpowering. We offer one-on-one counsels to address every one of your inquiries and use breast tapes. During your gathering, we can decide your appointment and assist you with settling on an educated decision about your body and wellbeing. 

Numerous forthcoming patients are regularly perplexed with regards to what the best methodology is for them. Would it be advisable for them to get a breast increase? Or, on the other hand, possibly a breast lift would give the best outcomes? Or, on the other hand, a mix of the two? 

Many women are unsure about what would be best for them. They might have heard someone talk about breast augmentation only to be told by the doctor that it might not be feasible for them. In other words, rather than going with what others say, it is best to consult experts at Polaris plastic surgery and find out which procedure will best suit your needs and requirements. If you are not taking expert medical advice on the topic, you might regret your decision later on. 

Boob Tape Australia is a one-stop shop for all breast lift needs, regardless of size.

Breast Augmentation VS Breast Lift 

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery indicated that more than 285,000 ladies had increased mammoplasty acted in 2014. This incorporates strategies, for example, breast increase, breast embeds, or breast extension. 

Breast increase keeps up with its #2 position in the best five corrective surgeries in the US. In any case, breast lift strategies have developed quickly at a pace of 70% starting around 2000. It includes use of breast tape as well. If you are interested in buying boob tape Check out Freedom Bra Shop. They have got high quality breast tapes that lift your breast to next level. 

Benefits OF Breast Augmentation: 

  • Demonstrated history with high fulfillment rates. 
  • A drawn-out answer for work on your figure. 
  • Scarring is subtle. 
  • Disservices of breast expansion: 
  • Inserts require regular observing and may ultimately require supplanting. 
  • There are a few careful dangers related to the technique. 

Benefits OF Breast Lifts: 

  • Further developed shape, projection, and balance of your breasts 
  • A perkier form with a special attack of garments and further developed certainty. 
  • Scars are concealed underneath the breasts, with just light scarring apparent on top of the breasts. 
  • Results can keep going for quite a long time on the off chance that weight stays stable. 

Disservices of breast lifts: 

  • The impacts of the method may, step by step, lesson after some time. 
  • The strategy leaves scars concealed in a bra or bathing suit yet might be apparent without garments. 
  • Ensuing pregnancies might extend your breasts or diminish their volume, changing the outcomes. 
  • Enormous and weighty breasts can be lifted. However, they may likewise require a minor breast decrease. 


The procedure you pick will rely upon two elements. In the first place, the particular aspects of your breasts must work with breast tape. Second, the result you desire to accomplish. 

Augmentation Criteria

  • You feel your breasts are petite for your body. 
  • You feel reluctant wearing bathing suits or low profile tops. 
  • Garments fit well at your hips yet hang freely at the bust line. 
  • You’ve lost breast volume after labor or weight reduction. 
  • One of your breasts is essentially more modest than the other. 
  • Assuming you match these, then, at that point, a breast expansion might be the best decision for you. 


  • Your breasts have been listed and hung for different reasons. 
  • The region encompassing the areola and areola has become extended. 
  • Your breasts are pendulous and ailing in solidness. 
  • Your breasts seem not quite the same as each other. 
  • The areolas and areola point descending and are situated beneath the breast wrinkle. 
  • Assuming these match your interests, a breast lift strategy might be the best decision for you. 

Breast expansion alone is fitting when: 

  • Your hanging is gentle. 
  • Your areolas/areolas are in the focal point of the breasts and don’t point descending. 
  • There is noticeable skin beneath your areolas/areolas when gazing directly toward the breasts. 
  • You might want more enormous breasts. 
  • A breast lift alone is proper when: 
  • Your hanging is moderate to extreme. 
  • Your areolas region is at the lower part of the breasts and focuses descending. 
  • There is no apparent skin beneath your areolas region when gazing directly toward the breasts. 
  • You might want to decrease the size of your areolas. 
  • You are content with the volume of your breasts and don’t need them to be more significant. 
  • A matched breast increase and breast lift may likewise be suitable. 

As a general rule, on the off chance that you are healthy and have realistic assumptions, you are probably a decent contender for breast expansion, boom lift, or a mix of the two. 

Breast tape is one of the best way to make sure you look better and prominent.