Before going into the details of the best suitable intercom system, it is important to understand what is actually intercom system? An intercom system is a device that contains a circuit that is used for transmitting and receiving audio or video.

The intercom systems are available in different varieties depending upon the placement and usage of the intercom systems such as office intercoms systems, apartment entry systems, and window intercom systems, etc. hence, it is important to understand which intercom system will be the best suitable for your requirement. The intercom system are major of five types:

  • Wireless Unit: Wireless intercom system is a wireless device that uses radiofrequency to function. They are easy to install as they can be installed just out of the box. These are also less expensive as they do not need an expert to install the device and can be installed easily.

    They also have certain issues such as the limited range, and you need to be up to date with the wireless intercom device battery. They are the best option for the surveillance system at a low price with ease of use.
  • Hard Wired: The hard wired intercom is a surveillance device that is installed with a hard-wired unit. This intercom system allows you to communicate with the person on the other side of the front door.

    This can be opted for even at a little more costly as it is more reliable and provides good communication with clear sound. It can be trusted majorly to be installed at home and needs a professional and expert to install the device.
  • Video Intercom: The video intercom system is a device that also allows you to see the person outside through a webcam. They are majorly the wired intercom system as it is difficult to send the video in wirelessly when compared with audio.

    This video intercom system also provides the option of switching to smart home technology such as switching the lights on and off or door lock through devices such as tablets or smartphones with a good internet connection.
  • Carrier- Current: The carrier-current is an intercom system that is installed along with the electrical system and is easy to install as well, but could have an issue with the audio quality.
  • Automatic Gate Entry Intercom unit: The automatic gate entry intercom system is a kind of apartment entry systems that are used to open and close the gate by just pressing a button without physically visiting the door. One can even talk to the person before letting them in through an automatic gate entry intercom system.

Unik CCTV has a variety of office intercoms system solutions available to choose from as per the office requirements.