Aldi does not require any introduction because it is a retailer that has more than 10K stores twenty different countries which includes Australia as well as in the United Kingdom, and the United States. The chain of supermarkets has an impressive turnover and is regarded as one of the top supermarket brands to shop at.
As it turns 75 in 2021, fraudsters profit from it and are circulating fake Facebook posts claiming that they will reward customers who share, comment and liking the post as event of celebrating the 75th Anniversary.
The scammers targeted a lot of users by using their Aldi Scam on Facebook in the month of December 2020, and then at the close of March 2021.
How can I tell the difference between Facebook and Aldi?
Aldi has celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2021. Scammers are now planning to create frauds under the name of the retailer chain. They have created and circulated fraudulent posts and posts on Facebook under Aldi’s name. brand.
The fraudulent Facebook post promises to reward regular customers of this chain supermarket by sharing and commenting on the post. The post states that the brand will offer grocery items worth $75 and an amount of $25 in gift coupons which they can use while buying at Aldi.
After an analysis, it’s discovered that the advertisement is fraudulent.
What is HTML0? Aldi Facebook Scams are committed?
Since Aldi supermarket has celebrated its 75th Anniversary, fraudsters are spreading fake Facebook posts, and are targeting loyal customers with appealing incentives and gifts.
The fraudulent Facebook post promises 75 dollars worth of food as well as gift cards for people that share this anniversary post and leave a comment on the post. The users are asked to click on a fake link to claim their reward.
If they click on this link, users are redirection to the suspicious site to provide their personal and other private information. When they input the information the information is stolen and later used for fraudulent operations.
In this manner scammers are engaging in fraud by committing the Aldi fraud on the Facebook. If you find fake social media posts beware of them, as they’re scams and could lure you into taking surveys, where you could fall victim to fraudsters.
What do people have To Say?
After reviewing the social media pages of Aldi We found that the company is conscious about this Facebook Scam. They posted a message to inform consumers of the scam and encourage consumers to remain vigilant. They urged people to not click on any suspicious hyperlinks.
In the same article, people responded and shared their thoughts in response, claiming they were already aware. Many claimed they fell victim to the Aldi Social Media Scam when they clicked on the link and was redirected to a different website.
The Conclusion Thoughts
Aldi is a major supermarket with multiple stores spread across 20 countries. It celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2021. Therefore, fraudsters profit from this and tricking people into buying fraudulent Facebook postings.
The Aldi Facebook Scam promises users amazing offers and free food items upon commenting, sharing and clicking on suspicious links.