If you are thinking about epoxy flooring for your new home, there are many advantages of this type of flooring. These advantages include slip resistance, ease of cleaning, and durability. Whether you are renovating your kitchen, or looking for a more durable floor for your entire home, epoxy flooring can meet your needs. This material is durable and will last for years.
The durability of an epoxy floor is highly dependent on the amount of traffic it receives each day. Heavy traffic can damage an epoxy floor, causing scuff marks and scratch marks. Vehicle, foot, and cart traffic can all lead to significant wear and tear. The best way to ensure a long-lasting floor is to invest in a wear-resistant epoxy floor. These materials are specially formulated to withstand these conditions.
However, there are some things that should be considered before buying an epoxy flooring Sydney kit. For one, make sure that the company you are dealing with is experienced in installing epoxy floors. Having an experienced epoxy flooring Sydney contractor is vital to ensuring that the process will be done correctly. In addition, ensure that the installer is able to provide you with a guarantee.
The cost of epoxy flooring Sydney varies greatly depending on the type of epoxy you choose. Water-based epoxy is the least expensive type of epoxy flooring. However, it must be installed under ideal conditions and at the right temperature. The benefits of this type of epoxy include a smooth finish and stain resistance. In addition, this type of floor can last 20 years or more, provided it is properly maintained. The most expensive type of epoxy is the metallic type, which features different materials added to the epoxy to create a slightly glittery effect. It can cost $60 to $120 per square metre.
The price of epoxy flooring Sydney is similar to that of residential installations. The overall size of the unit, the pre-existing flooring, and the preparation required will all play a part in the total cost. For instance, a large commercial space will cost less per square metre than a small residential garage. Similarly, the cost of installing a commercial kitchen will be lower than that of a residential kitchen.
Easy to clean
Epoxy floors are the perfect choice for those who want a shiny and seamless surface. With no crevices or cracks, they are also easy to clean. A simple hose with water can clean your floors. The surface is also resistant to harsh chemicals and is easy to maintain with proper maintenance.
First, you need to remove surface dirt. You can use a dust mop. The most common type is the big rectangular one, but you can also use a soft push broom brush.
Slip resistance is a major consideration when choosing a floor system. The more slippery your floor is, the harder it is to clean. Conversely, a smooth floor is easier to clean and maintain. To make your floor more slip-resistant, professional epoxy flooring installers incorporate slip-resistant aggregate into the final coat. This type of material is called anti-skid, and it is available in several strengths, which you can customize depending on your needs. The least aggressive anti-slip aggregate is polypropylene or glass spheres, while the strongest is aluminum oxide and quartz.
Slip resistance is determined by several factors, including the slope of the floor. An older method, known as the Ramp Test, measures the level of slip resistance of a flooring surface. In this test, a laboratory technician stands on a ramp coated with a slip-resistant material at various incline levels. The technician can test the coating using either barefoot or a simulated shoe sole (also known as the Four S). Alternatively, the Wet Pendulum Method is also used for testing slip resistance.
Colour options
If you’re planning to install epoxy flooring in your home, you’ll need to choose between different colour options. Some of them are more expensive than others. Light-coloured epoxy floors require a lot of maintenance and cleaning, while dark-coloured ones don’t require such intensive treatments. Choose a colour that matches the use of your home.
One popular colour is cloudy grey. This colour looks classy and sophisticated, and it also brightens up floors. It blends well with contemporary garages and homes, giving them a clean, modern look.