When we encounter a problem with our laptop screen, we are often helpless in the face of what action to take. Below, 6 typical problems that a slab can encounter, and their solutions! These tips and advice are valid for all computer brands: Asus, HP, Msi, Toshiba, Lenovo, Acer or Dell.

1. Problem: broken computer screen (physically damaged)

A broken, cracked or dented computer screen is not repairable. Moreover, it can constitute a real danger for the user if small glass particles escape from the screen. The simplest and safest solution is to change your damaged screen. To do this, you just need to know your Laptop model and find your screen reference on our site. If you don’t know it, then you can disassemble the panel itself and send us a photo of the back with its labels clearly visible, in order to identify the model needed. There is no other solution for a broken screen laptop.

2. Problem with my computer screen: there are vertical or horizontal stripes

What should I do if my screen shows scratches ? This does not necessarily mean that your screen is dead, it is even rarely the case. Faced with a scrambled screen problem, or lines on your PC screen, we submit two hypotheses to you:

Your monitor has suffered a shock and these horizontal lines (or vertical lines) are the result. In this case, it will be necessary to make a change.

Your screen is in full health and its scratches come from a faulty graphics card or graphics chipset. Being on a Laptop PC, this part is soldered to the motherboard. Unless you are under warranty, changing the motherboard is very expensive.

To identify the fault in the event of lines on the screen, nothing beats testing via an external display. If you encounter this type of display problem on a laptop, it is because the graphics card is at fault. Otherwise, it is most likely coming from the screen (the cable may be the cause, especially if this symptom occurs when opening/closing the upper shell).

3. Laptop dark screen issue: My screen brightness is low

When the screen of your laptop is dark and it is not due to your manual settings (to be checked first ), most of the time it is enough to acquire a new ”  inverter “, a DC voltage converter which is used to backlight the panel. This will cost you much less than replacing the entire screen. Note however that if your laptop is recent, you are unlikely to have a screen with inverter backlighting but more certainly via LED, which will require you to change the screen in the event of a similar failure.

Note that this failure can also be caused by an HS neon (screen with inverter) or a faulty screen video card.

4. Problem: My computer turns on but the screen stays black

A black screen when you start up your laptop can mean a lot of things and doesn’t tell you anything about how well your screen is working. To verify that the screen slab is indeed the cause, try, once again, to connect an external screen to your computer to see if it is working correctly. If this is the case, you can suspect a defect on the screen, the cause of this display defect. If not, the problem is more with the graphics card.

5. I see dead pixels or stains on my screen

Again, do the external screen test to confirm that the problem is with your screen. If this is the case, this type of defect cannot be repaired and only a change of screen will allow you to correct it.

6. Display problem on my laptop: the screen flashes or flickers

First, check that the video cable ( large flat cable on the back of the screen , also called the tablecloth) is correctly connected. Sometimes it may just be that the connection is bad and this is causing the display to flicker. Thanks for visiting our site.