If you don’t have and aren’t considering Secure Access Service Edge technology, you are missing out on the potential to improve your business’ technological agility and security. The technology used in this strategy allows you to secure any remote devices that access your network.
While many companies initially used hardware-based systems, the software is becoming more beneficial. However, when implemented incorrectly, it doesn’t provide the desired results. Following these four guidelines is the only way to get extra agility and security.
1. Think Big In Terms of Security
While SASE is sizable and growing, it’s not a full security measure. Because of its design, it is only capable of providing network security. For example, this technology does not offer Endpoint Detection and Response services used to battle ransomware because this scan searches for malicious or suspicious activity in operating systems, not networks.
This technology does not offer Cloud Workload Protection to secure your workloads. After all, CWP requires integration beyond the network. That said, it does provide critical aspects, such as Cloud Access Security Broker systems, to secure the cloud and data. That is because it can be done within the network. In addition, it enforces security by using the web.
2. Let Your Use Help Decide What Tech You Use
Small businesses trying to get off the ground quickly can benefit significantly from Secure Access Service Edge technology, but larger companies might not benefit immediately from using the cloud. That is particularly true regarding extensive company firewalls. On-premises firewalls with secure devices are the best option when security performance outweighs the cost. Therefore, cloud-based technology shouldn’t be forced on every department. Instead, it should only go where it best fits.
Businesses that rely on hardware firewalls can still integrate this technology. However, since they operate in the cloud, they make it easier to access from anywhere without high costs. That can make businesses much more agile. For large corporations, that can allow a mixture of on-premises and cloud-based firewalls to increase flexibility. That said, whatever you choose must be simple enough that you can handle it. The perfect solution is both flexible and straightforward.
3. Maintain Vendor Diversity
The architecture of your software matters. If any vendors propose to link all of your features via service chaining, especially if they come from many providers, it can be disastrous. Take this warning to heart. Chaining together this technology can result in something hard to use and less effective.
But that’s not all. If there’s no chaining of offerings, your technology can lack security. In addition, working with vendors who use the same provider can result in you replacing the best options with a stack of tools from one individual. In that case, you can have less robust security than if you went with various providers. Plus, maintaining diverse vendors leaves you with the option to change components, whereas you lose that by going with one provider.
4. Don’t Ignore SD-WANE
The big excitement surrounding this technology is its ability to manage cyber attacks. However, many people switching to this technology overlook SD-WANE and the other performance requirements consisting of the bulk of the software solution. Therefore, you must ensure that your chosen technology can meet your network demands.
Ideally, your system will help you evaluate performance, scalability, visibility, and control, increase flexibility, and prioritize, separate, and secure network access for remote employees. Without successful SD-WANE features, your security system won’t work. They need each other to work.
If you’re starting with this technology, don’t believe it will solve all your agility problems and be the most effective option. Instead, be realistic concerning the benefits and drawbacks of this type of system and implement the best options for your company. Likewise, if you have a larger company or one with an aggressive growth plan, be realistic about whether or not this technology’s drawbacks will limit you or your future company’s security.