Do you have meetings that don’t get results? If so, there are a few things you can do to improve your productivity and ensure that your meetings are worthwhile everytime.
1: Start the Meeting on Time
A productive meeting starts on time and is kept moving forward. Follow these tips to make sure your meeting runs smoothly.
1. Arrive on time, and be aware of the schedule. If you know there will be a lot of discussions, plan to arrive early so you can get settled in and avoid potentially disruptive chatter.
2. Make sure everyone is aware of the agenda and what is expected of them. This will help keep the meeting on track and ensure that everyone knows what they need to do in order to contribute effectively.
3. Avoid distractions, both physical and verbal. If someone needs to answer a phone call or take a break, let them know beforehand so they have time to finish their part of the discussion before rejoining the group. If you need to meet on neutral ground in a larger space, you may want to check out a boardroom rental space in Calgary.
4. Respect other people’s time by not monopolizing the conversation or monopolizing the floor for too long with pontificating speeches or questions that have already been answered multiple times before (i.e., “So what does this mean for ABC Company?”).
2: Be Prepared for the Meeting
Some tips for preparing for a productive meeting include being aware of the agenda and any key points that need to be covered, being prepared with questions, and staying focused during the meeting. It is also helpful to be on time for the meeting, arrive in a respectful manner, and avoid distractions. Finally, it is important to listen attentively and take notes if necessary.
3: Listen More Than You Talk
The traditional model for communication is one in which the speaker dominates the conversation. This is often done by talking more than listening. Although it may be easier to talk, it’s important to listen more than you talk if you want to have a productive meeting.
When you listen, you’re not trying to answer every question or solve every problem right away. Instead, you’re trying to understand what someone is saying and take it in as a whole. This will help you form better questions and get more out of the meeting.
By paying close attention, you’ll also be able to see when someone isn’t feeling comfortable speaking up or when they need more time to think about their response. When this happens, don’t force them to respond right away – give them some space so that they can calm down and come back with a better idea or answer.
Wrapping Up
1. Establish clear goals for the meeting beforehand. Make sure that everyone is aware of what they are hoping to achieve and what specific actions or items need to be discussed. This will help everyone stay on track and ensure that the meeting remains focused.
2. Bring enough information to the meeting so that everyone has an understanding of what is being discussed. If possible, try to have all of the relevant information available in advance so that there are no surprises during the meeting. This will minimize confusion and ensure that all participants can participate fully in the discussion.
3. Be polite and respectful during your meeting’s proceedings. Be aware of your surroundings and keep any conversations minimal so as not to disrupt others. Do not monopolize the conversation or take up too much time. If you find yourself struggling to stay on track, try taking a break or talking with someone else about what was said before returning back to the discussion.
4. Use active listening techniques when interacting with others during your meeting
These tips will help you be more productive in your meetings and ensure that they get the results you want. It may be time to start looking for a Calgary business centre to help you with your team’s work meetings and more.