
Alright, you’ve drafted the perfect design and you’re ready to print it. Not so fast! Before you hit that print button, there are a few important steps you should take first. It may seem tedious, but taking the time to get all your ducks in a row will save you from printing disasters and costly do-overs.

Whether you’re printing artwork for your home or business materials for work, there are a few essentials to cover before you start. Let’s review some of the most important steps to take before you print anything. From paper stock to color settings and more, we’ll break down what you need to know and how best to prepare for getting your masterpiece off the press and into your hands.

Understanding Your Printer Settings:

One of the key steps in making sure that your printing job comes out looking great is understanding your printer settings, and tweaking them accordingly. This includes choosing the right paper type, resolution setting, and color profile.

Let’s start with paper type: Did you know that some paper types are specifically designed for particular printing tasks, such as standard text documents or photographs? That’s why it’s important to choose the best-suited paper type for your project. Also check to see if your printer offers automatic two-sided printing and other features depending on the paper you’re using.

Next up is resolution: This can have a major effect on how your prints look. Generally speaking, a higher resolution will produce sharper images than a lower one. However, it can cause slower performance, so make sure to experiment with different settings and find the happy medium between quality and timeliness.

Lastly, let’s talk about color profiles: A color profile (or “color space”) determines how accurate the colors in a printed document appear on a specific printer. Most printers offer several standard profiles that you can choose from in their settings menu before printing. Make sure you opt for one that matches whatever it is you’re trying to print!

Setup Your Print Jobs for Success:

When you’re ready to print, it’s important to make sure that you set up your print job for success. Here are the three key steps that you should take:

  • Check the paper size – Make sure that the paper size matches what you’ll be printing. If it doesn’t, your job may end up looking distorted or not fit on the page.
  • Double check your margins – If there is too much/little white space on the page, readjust your margins and confirm that they look as expected.
  • Consider color adjustments – Depending on which type of paper you’re printing on and based on what it’s going to be used for, consider if any color adjustments need to be made. Test it out with some sample pages before committing to a large print job.

Taking these three simple steps will help ensure that your print job looks its best and gets printed properly.

Types of Paper for Printing:

When it comes to printing, the type of paper you choose is just as important as the content itself. There are several different types of paper that work well for printing, depending on your end goals.

Poster Paper:

Poster paper is great for displaying high-impact visuals with vivid colors. Because of its thickness, it’s perfect for hanging as a poster in a window or bulletin board display. Plus, poster paper is typically coated for water and smudge resistance, making it perfect for displaying outdoors.

Card Stock:

Card stock is slightly thicker than average copy paper and gives printed materials a more polished look. Because of its thickness, card stock can also be used for business cards and greeting cards. Plus, there are many different colors and textures of card stock to choose from, allowing you to further customize your print materials to your target audience.

Glossy Paper:

Glossy and luster papers are popular choices when you’re looking to maximize contrast between colors while still preserving detail—perfect if you want full-color photographs or graphics with deep blacks that look like they came straight from a magazine! Both glossy and luster papers have a coating on them that not only adds contrast but also makes them water-resistant so they won’t run or smudge when wet.

Choosing the right type of paper when printing can make all the difference in the look and feel of your materials—so take the time to explore your options before pressing “go” on that printer!

Optimizing Text for Printed Materials:

Before you print anything, it’s essential that you optimize your text for the printed page so that it looks professional and eye-catching. This means turning off any page background, limiting your fonts to 2 or 3 different types, and adjusting the line spacing and margins.

You can also enhance your printed materials by adding images. However, it’s important to ensure your images are of high quality if you want them to look their best on the printed page. Make sure they are at least 300dpi (dots per inch) in resolution and need to be CMYK-formatted if they are color images. Otherwise, they will not print correctly.

When using graphics in your printed materials, remember to use them sparingly—less is more. The key is to create a balance of visuals and text that catches people’s attention without overwhelming them with too much information.

These three steps will help your printed materials look appealing and make sure it conveys the right message to readers. Just make sure when working with text or images you take the time to check for any errors before sending them off for printing!

Using Color Printing Wisely:

You can make a strong statement with color printing, but it also needs to be used wisely—after all, you’re paying for the ink! Here are three essential steps to take before you print anything in vivid colors:

Know the Main Colors:

Before you commit to any print job, you should choose the primary colors of your printout. Consider your brand colors or what image you want to portray. Keep in mind that some colors don’t work well together, so it might be worth consulting a graphic design professional if you don’t have an eye for this kind of thing.

Balance Is Key:

The next step is all about balance—you want to make sure that your prints aren’t too “loud” and that the colors complement each other and the overall look of the document. If possible, try a few different versions before making a final decision.

Evaluate Your Materials:

Finally, consider your materials when choosing colors—for example, darker colors will require more ink and may not show up on certain types of paper. Make sure to evaluate all factors before making any decisions regarding color printing to ensure that you get what you envisioned!

Check and Double-Check Before You Print:

Before you print anything, you should always check and double-check your work to make sure it looks professional and pristine. No one wants a document with typos or poor formatting!


The first step is to always run a spellcheck. Not only do typos make your work look sloppy, but they can also cause confusion for the reader. A good spellchecker can help you catch words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context — so don’t be fooled into thinking that a spellcheck is all you need.


Formatting inconsistencies make your work look unprofessional and distract from the content — which is not ideal if you’re trying to put your best foot forward. To avoid this, check for consistent font size, alignment and line spacing throughout the document. Additionally, any embedded images should be high resolution so they appear sharp and clear on the printed page.

Print Preview:

Finally, don’t forget to print preview your document before sending it off! You’ll be able to see exactly how it will look when printed, which is especially helpful when printing complex documents with multiple pages or columns. Make sure everything looks right, then hit “print” with confidence!


There you have it: 3 essential steps to take before you print anything. Regardless of the type of printing tips you have in mind, by taking the time to prepare your file and make sure your printer is ready, you can save time, energy, and money while avoiding any last-minute printing disasters.

So don’t just press ‘print’ without doing the necessary preparation – you could be facing some extra time and money down the line. Take the time to get everything ready before you print, and you’ll be able to ensure that your printing projects turn out perfectly.