Are you aware of D-Day’s anniversary? For the D-Day anniversary in 2022, veterans from World War II as well visitors from the United Statesthe United Kingdom and Canada all gathered at Normandy on June 6, 2022. The tributes were made to at least 160,000 troops of the United States, Canada, Britain and elsewhere around the world.

The D-Day Celebrations for paying respect to the soldiers, after two years of Covid-19 have resumed in a normal manner. It is also being celebrated online as the 2022 D Day Anniversary.

A Brief history of D-Day Landings

The Normandy Operations were the landings that were made 6 June 1944. The operation known as ‘operation Neptune’ was launched on this date. This was the largest seaborne invasion in history and was decisive in winning the Second World War for the Allies. Normandy, France was where the operation took place.

The operation ended in victory for the Allied countries of the US (UK), France, Czechoslovakia (and other countries). Before we get into D Day Images, let’s first understand that the operation had been planned since 1943. Therefore, the actual operation had to be postponed by twenty-four hours.

The German invasion into the Soviet Union was the breakthrough that enabled many nations to come forward to the operation. The Soviet Union formed a front with the US in Western Europe. To commemorate the Normandy landings, the US and all other participating countries commemorate and celebrate this event every June 6.

What took place at the D Day anniversary ??

Celebrations were held to honor those who died in the cause of freedom and peace in Europe and the US. The ongoing war was the focal point for Americans this year. It was rainy on the D-Day celebrations. Many veterans and their family members had to brave it, but it was memorable.

Many veterans have participated in the war, and they gave their interviews during the celebrations. They discussed how they had to be hopeful in order to land at the most unexpected place. A variety of photographs were taken at the D Day Remembrance 2202. There were many photos where veterans could be seen smiling and also remembering those moments when they had fought hard and won.


The D Day celebrations occur every year on 6 Juni. The D Day celebrations honor the sacrifices made to ensure freedom for their countrymen. This year, the celebrations also featured glimpses of veterans who shared stories of war with the media.